Industry Insights

 Industry Insights

VBKOM's team of mining and engineering experts have a deep understanding of the mining industry, which involves having the knowledge and awareness of the trends, developments, challenges, and opportunities within the mining sector. 

Critical Minerals

Critical MineralsA South African Perspective

Critical minerals are metallic and non-metallic mineral resources that are deemed to be vital to world economies, and South Africa has a part to play.

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Critical MineralsCritical Minerals and Clean Energy Transition

The need for raw minerals worldwide is vast, and with the drive within the energy transition, the need for what is deemed as vital for world economies.

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Critical MineralsCritical Minerals Production Share 2021

Various minerals could be determined as being critical, herewith is an illustration of the production share of critical minerals worldwide by the majority producing country as at 2021.

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Critical MineralsCritical Minerals Production Share 2022

Several minerals can be identified as critical. The graphic illustrates the global production share of Critical Minerals, categorised by the leading producing country as of 2022.

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Critical MineralsCritical Minerals - African Industries Perspective

Due to rising global demand for critical minerals driven by the shift to a green economy, industries face new opportunities.

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Due Diligence Exercises

Due Diligence ExercisesWhat is a due diligence?

A due diligence is an expert assessment of technical, financial, and operational aspects of a mining project conducted for potential investors in acquisitions or investments.

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Due Diligence ExercisesWhy conduct a due diligence?

A due diligence in the mining industry is conducted for various important reasons.

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Due Diligence ExercisesWho is involved in a due diligence?

A due diligence of a mining project involves the participation of various technical stakeholders with expertise in their relevant fields.

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Due Diligence ExercisesWhen to conduct a due diligence?

A due diligence in the mining industry is conducted at various stages or at any stage of a mining project's life cycle.

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Due Diligence ExercisesTypical due diligence work streams

During a due diligence process, multiple work streams usually operate concurrently, each concentrating on a specific area of expertise or evaluation.

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Due Diligence ExercisesDue Diligence adjacent studies

In addition to the standard technical and financial evaluations done during a mining project's due diligence, other specific studies can also be included based on project requirements.

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Due Diligence ExercisesDue diligence possible transactions or actions

The outcomes and transactions resulting from a due diligence process depend on the specific context and the objectives of the parties involved.

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Due Diligence ExercisesDue diligence level of detail

The level of detail when conducting a due diligence exercise may vary depending on the specific context and requirements of a particular project or transaction.

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Due Diligence ExercisesDiscovery to production

Do you know what the average duration from the discovery of mineral resources to production is? Is there a correlation between acquisitions and the average lead time from discovery to production?

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Due Diligence ExercisesVBKOM's Experience

For the past 15 years, VBKOM have conducted numerous and diverse projects, of which a significant amount have been due diligence evaluations and technical revies of various commodities.

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Due Diligence ExercisesMining due diligence checklist

VBKOM follows a customised approach to conducting due diligence studies, but we've also found a useful checklist by Danyers & Co. based on the Canadian NI-43-101.

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Owner vs Contractor Mining

Owner vs Contractor MiningBusting the myths

Owner or Contractor Mining: Which is best for your operation?

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Owner vs Contractor MiningCan you transition

Contractor- versus Owner Mining: Can you transition from the one to the other?

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BRICSBRICS - 2023 Summit

The BRICS Summit 2023 kicked-off in Sandton, South Africa on 22 August 2023. This is the 15th annual summit, with talks of possible expansion and a possible alternative common currency taking the spotlight.

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BRICSBRICS - January 2024

Following the announced expansion at BRICS summit 2023, five nations joined the bloc in January 2024, potentially impacting various economic facets.

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Metal Accounting

Metal AccountingMetal Accounting

Improve operational efficiency and ensure financial transparency for your processing operations through metal accounting.

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GeoMetallurgyGeoMetallurgy Part 1

Bridge the gap and optimise mineral extraction. Geometallurgy is essential for managing ore variability, maximising efficiency and recovery in today’s mining landscape.

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GeoMetallurgyGeometallurgy Development

Bridge the gap and optimise mineral extraction. Geometallurgy is an essential tool for complex ores, maximising efficiency and recovery in today’s mining landscape.

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GeoMetallurgyGeometallurgy Capability Statement

Our Geometallurgical services will help you to optimise mineral extraction and value from your processing operations.

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