African Investments
Attending the first in-person Investing in African Mining Indaba in Cape Town since the world-wide pandemic was well-attended by industry leaders, investors, and global mining industry government representatives and Heads of State.
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The odds of succeeding as a “start-up” company in South Africa are stacked against whoever may be brave enough to venture down this path.
VBKOM was invited by the DTI to represent South African mining intensive companies at the 15th DRC Mining Week trade show.
Recently VBKOM celebrated our 10th anniversary. To celebrate, we held a dinner for our clients, colleagues & friends. All of which have helped us with our growth and successes.
Outsourcing services gives mines access to groups of specialists, their wide range of skills and the latest technologies – while also avoiding any long-term commitments.
The implications of the implementation of Mining Charter 3 would have wide spreading negative consequences on both mining in south africa and investment.
Recent political reshuffling has cast doubt on public policy and refocused investors on the risk of investing large capital into mining in South Africa.
VBKOM mining engineers have been appointed together with BGG Consulting and Six Plus One Consultants to advise the management of Debswana’s ORAPA mine
Although Africa remains impoverished by bad decision making on a national level, it is arguably the continent best placed to reward investment.
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