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VBKOM does COVID-19 Business Continuity Planning

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting business and economic activity worldwide and is likely to have devastating effects on the South African economy and financial health of VBKOM’s clients.

Business continuity and the wellbeing of staff are our client’s top priorities, and as such, VBKOM has developed a COVID-19 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in partnership with one of our clients. A BCP outlines procedures to prevent damage, maintain productivity and recover in the event of a national emergency or disaster. The plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected whilst allowing for the continuation of operations. The BCP outlines our client’s key functions and processes for the business unit and includes the following:

  • Risk Management Plan
  • Incident Response Plan
  • Recovery Plan


The BCP assigns implementation responsibilities for each stage of the plan and defines communication channels and procedures.

Risk Management Plan

A risk management plan describes actions that need to take place as preventative measures before the emergency/disaster occurs. It is centered on preventing COVID-19 infection and addresses travel, screening and de-densification arrangements. It also includes an awareness campaign to educate and inform personnel.

Incident Response Plan

An incident response plan details mitigation actions to minimize the impact of an emergency/disaster. It focuses on preventing further infection and transmissions and includes quarantine/isolation measures as well as scenario planning for essential and non-essential personnel. Potential issues with supply chain, financial and administrative support, communication systems, and medical facilities and response are also addressed in this section.

The Recovery Plan

A recovery plan defines the necessary steps to bring a business unit back to full operating power after the emergency/disaster has been contained or stabilized. It describes actions and timelines to achieve operational readiness after shutdown periods of varying extents.

VBKOM Risk Management Strategy for COVID-19

VBKOM understands the risk that COVID-19 poses to our clients and the potential impact on the stability and success of their companies. Our team is engaging with our clients throughout the lockdown period and is dedicated to delivering value for them not just to survive, but thrive, during this difficult period.


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