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Successfully showcasing VBKOM at WAMPEX 2022

George Olivier at the VBKOM stallImage: George Olivier at the VBKOM Stall at WAMPEX 2022

VBKOM attended the 16th West African Mining and Power Expo (WAMPEX), which was hosted at the Accra International Conference Centre in Ghana from 1 to 3 June 2022.

Business Development Executive, George Olivier, proudly represented VBKOM by tending to the VBKOM exhibition booth located at the South African Pavilion this year.

The decision to exhibit at this specific trade show was made due to Ghana being rich with mineral endowments and being Africa’s largest producer of gold. Ghana became the first sub-Saharan country in colonial Africa to gain its independence in 1957. With a population of 30 million, gold, cocoa, and more recently oil form the cornerstone of Ghana’s economy and have helped fuel an economic boom.  According to the IMF, Ghana has been labelled the fastest growing economy in 2019 and is consistently placed as one of Africa’s 10 fastest-growing economies.  Apart from gold, large-scale mining companies are also producing manganese, bauxite, and diamonds. With VBKOM’s track record within all of these commodities and West Africa, we decided that this is the right time to exhibit at this event.

High Commissioner Grace Mason and South African PavilionImage: South African Pavilion exhibitors with High Commissioner Grace Mason

WAMPEX provides a prominent platform for the mining and power industries; setting the stage to facilitate debates and discussions regarding the investment and sustainable development of the West African mining industry, with an overarching theme of “Advancing a legacy of sustainable and responsible mining through innovation and partnership.”

The South African events team from Catalyze International Events, in cooperation with the other event organisers, ensured that the expo was executed very well.  From the stands that were set-up, to the flow of visitors, the event was an overwhelming success. 

Entrance to the South African PavilionImage: Entrance to the South African Pavilion

Exhibition booths on ground floorImage: Exhibition booths on ground floor at WAMPEX 2022

In VBKOM’s opinion, it is worthwhile for South African companies to attend these exhibitions.  The event was well attended and was well represented by various mining companies, mining and power representative organisations as well as suppliers of goods and services to the mining industry. Trade relations between Ghana and South Africa have been strengthening over the last decade.  In 2020, the trade volumes between Ghana and South Africa reached just over R14 billion. South African investors continue to show confidence in the enabling business environment of Ghana with over 200 South African companies registered in Ghana, employing nearly 20,000 Ghanaians and around 500 expatriates. Over the past ten years, South African companies have undertaken over 170 projects in Ghana with a capital investment valued in excess of USD 1.4 billion. President Cyril Ramaphosa1 remarked in 2021 during the Ghana-South Africa business forum during the State Visit in Accra, Ghana that the opportunities for economic development in Ghana and the rest of West Africa make the WAMPEX event a mining destination of note.   

Ghanaian and South African FlagsImage: Ghanaian and South African Flags


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