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VBKOM Mineral Resource Auditing

Mineral Resource Auditing

Mineral Resources and Mineral Resource declarations form the cornerstone of all resource development projects and mining operations.

Reporting Codes

Mineral Resource Reporting Codes were developed to convey standardised technical and material information to investors and shareholders for the purposes of transparency and to provide a level of confidence to a company’s declared Mineral Resource statement which is presented within the Competent/Qualified Person’s Report.

Reporting Codes and their associated technical reports are required as routine submissions to notable international stock exchanges. Compliance to the Reporting Requirements and review of all the technical inputs for each of the Codes should routinely be tested to ensure high quality Mineral Resource declarations. 

Independent Mineral Resource Audits

VBKOM is well versed in the Reporting requirements and terminologies for all major Reporting Codes, including SAMREC (2016), JORC (2012) and NI 43-101.

Independent VBKOM Mineral Resource audits assess both data and processes that underpin a Mineral Resource estimate and can give the Company, a potential investor or shareholder peace of mind that declared Mineral Resources meet Reporting Code Requirements.

Adequate data quality and effective processes support unbiased Reporting in accordance with the minimum requirements as stipulated by the relevant reporting codes. Independent audits provide assurance on the accuracy and quality of annual reporting for the purposes of financial transactions and the assessment of Compliance to a specific Reporting Code.

Technical Aspects

VBKOM assesses all technical aspects of exploration or Mineral Resource inputs based on accepted industry or best practice evidence and ranks information based on the impact an aspect may have on the Mineral Resource quality. Our short-form reports and detailed graphical presentations quickly highlight areas that require accountable professionals to action technical changes that will result in improved confidence and risk mitigation.

Below are two representations of a typical product resulting from a VBKOM Mineral Resource audit:

Mineral Resource Audit Results Per Audit Section

Data and QAQC Audit Results

The VBKOM team of geologists are capable and experienced in assisting operations with conducting Mineral Resource audits and change implementation, with a total of 18 years in Mineral Resource auditing. VBKOM are committed to quality and excellence.

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