Mining Engineering
Group CEO, Manie Kriel, attended the eighth annual Junior Indaba, which took place on 1 and 2 June 2022 at the Country Club Johannesburg in Auckland Park. This year the organisers created a hybrid event that allowed people to attend both in-person and online.
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The global pandemic influenced the world’s economy by disrupting supply-chains through shortages and price inflations.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has disrupted global supply chains even further. The multitude of sanctions and boycotts imposed on Russia by multiple Western countries has led to worldwide fears of energy shortages, possible famine, and inflation.
In an effort to contribute to the overall growth of the global market, Enterprises University of Pretoria (Enterprises UP) together with experts from the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Pretoria (UP) successfully presented the Open-Pit Mine Planning and Design course to delegates from various mining houses in South Africa.
The annual Golf Day hosted by the Department of Mining Engineering (DOME), University of Pretoria, is one of those key events the VBKOM-team looks forward to.
This year was no different, and on the 5th of November 2021, eight VBKOM golfers set out to play a round of golf in celebration of DOME’s 60th anniversary.
The long-standing professional relationship between VBKOM and Kudumane Manganese Resources (KMR) dates back to 2010. Since then, VBKOM has been involved with numerous assignments for KMR and its parent entity, Asia Minerals Limited (AML).
A geological model forms the foundation of the mining value chain, upon which all resultant assumptions are based – from initial target delineation to Mineral Resource estimation to final reserving and metallurgical processing.
All of us entered into 2021 with the hope that the new year will magically be different from the historical, COVID-plagued, locked-down 2020. 2021 calls for hope, work, application, perseverance and patience.
We at Sehlare Sa Meetlwa partner locally with mining houses in the Northern Cape and offer our clients full EPCM services for their capital management requirements.
The mining industry is one of South Africa’s most vital contributors when it comes to economic growth, but at what environmental cost?
The VBKOM team of experts can help you identify, understand, and manage your ESG risks into investment analysis that offer long-term advantages in the mining sector.
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