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VBKOM reflects on the year with a big celebration

VBKOM Team - consulting engineers

On 12 November 2021, the VBKOM team came together to celebrate a wonderfully blessed year. After the tremendous effort the team has put in during the entire 2021, it was time to reflect and have some serious fun.

Some time for reflection

The day started with speeches by each of our Exco members, each highlighting something great during the year. Not only was this a celebratory event, but also an event during which the entire VBKOM team was asked to reflect on the year, and mention what we as a team are grateful for. Some of the comments included that the team is thankful for their families, the VBKOM colleagues, health, our clients, and that we are able to celebrate us.

Our CEO, Manie Kriel, talked about our strategy, past, and future. George Oliver, Business Development Executive, reflected on the market climate, while Strauss Oosthuizen, Technical Delivery Executive, mentioned the associate model VBKOM adopted this year and their contribution. Eduan Pieterse, New Ventures Executive, proclaimed that our Metallurgical service offering matured from our incubator to technical delivery, and we are continuing to pursue new opportunities. Lalieu Marais, Corporate Services Executive, rounded the speeches off and shared that during 2021 VBKOM has experienced a very low staff turnover and that we have grown our team with seven new employees.

10-year tenure celebration

Not only did we celebrate the year, but we also -commemorated Jani van Rensburg’s 10-year tenure at VBKOM. Jani started as a project manager at VBKOM and is currently a Business Development Manager. In the photo below George Olivier (Executive, Business Development) hands over a placard to Jani. By reaching this milestone, the VBKOM management decided to incorporate a “wall-of-achievement” against which this placard will be placed – so watch this space.

Jani van Rensburg 10-year tenure

Photo: George Olivier and Jani van Rensburg

Having fun - seriously!

After the formalities ended, the team was treated to a lamb spitbraai with all the fixings by Boksomdaais catering company. Afterward the team took a few photos before a fun team-building event in the form of Minute-to-win-it ensued.

We are proud of the people we are, and during events like these, we have the opportunity to: reflect, relax and revere.

VBKOM team phtos

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